One might say
A code, one might say, has no gap between the signifier and signified into which an unwanted meaning may intrude. Of course there is an abysm between signifier and signified. The signified occupies an entirely different physical space, an entirely different convention, an entirely different realm. (Computer code is visual, the actions commanded by the code physical, spatial, energetic. Computers are the instantiation of code.) But intentionally there is no gap in a code; meaning is meant to be transparent. This means that and nothing else.
In Hebrew, the words for word and thing are one and the same. It is the only language where this is true.
The traditional explanation or source of this transcendent pun is the belief that the Hebrew word is the thing and contains all the entities of a thing in it. G-d spoke the word to Create. Creation is the instantiation of the word.
Tradition also asks, "What does G-d do with His time?"
The answer is, "He plays with the words of the Torah."